Resources and Information
“What is happening in Ukraine today will affect the whole world. It will change political processes, geopolitical landscape, and global economic stability. The future of the whole world is being decided.” -Volodymyr Groysman, Former PM of Ukraine
-wording from the
Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances
from the United Nations Treaties and international agreements
registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations
Volume 3007
View full document here (pg 167).
A historical timeline of post-independence Ukraine:
US Department of Homeland Security
Beginning on April 25, 2022, U.S.-based individuals and entities can apply to DHS to sponsor Ukrainian citizens who have been displaced by Russia’s aggression through the Uniting for Ukraine process. Any U.S. citizen or individual, including representatives of non-government organizations, can sponsor Ukrainian applicants. Individuals and organizations seeking to sponsor Ukrainian citizens in the United States will be required to declare their financial support and pass security background checks to protect against exploitation and abuse. The Department of Homeland Security will administer the program. Eligibility requirements will include required vaccinations and other public health requirements, as well as biographic and biometric screening, vetting, and security checks.
Uniting for Ukraine is a streamlined process for Ukrainian citizens who have been displaced by Russia’s aggression to apply for humanitarian parole in the United States. To be eligible, Ukrainians must have been residents in Ukraine as of February 11, 2022, have a sponsor in the United States, complete vaccinations and other public health requirements, and pass rigorous biometric and biographic screening and vetting security checks. Ukrainians approved via this process will be authorized to travel to the United States and be considered for parole, on a case-by-case basis, for a period of up to two years. Once paroled through this process, Ukrainians will be eligible for work authorization.
Visit the DHS website to apply or for more info.
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services
Resources for Ukrainians Humanitarian Parolees
HIAS Pennsylvania
Updates Regarding Ukraine and Help for Ukrainians